Reduce Your Direct Mail Postage Costs

Whether you’re sending a brochure, postcard or letter to your customers, the cost of postage is likely to be the most expensive component in your promotional mailing.

In fact, postage alone could account for more than half of the total expenditure of your direct mail campaign.

Envelope showing reduced postage costs

UK Postage Discounts

The good news is that substantial discounts are available on standard UK postal rates, providing considerable cost savings to your business. In the best cases, you can benefit from rates that are two-thirds less than the cost of standard First Class mail. 

These discounts can be secured by using the bulk mail services provided by the Royal Mail and other DSA (Downstream Access) providers. They offer a number of different options dependent upon the nature and format of your campaign, including:

  • Advertising Mail
  • Business Mail
  • Publishing Mail

But to qualify for these discounts, the postal addresses of your customers must reach high standards of accuracy and completeness which can be difficult to achieve.

By verifying, completing and correcting the postal addresses, I can ensure the required data quality standards are exceeded.  You’ll not only maximise postage savings but also improve deliverability so you get better response rates too.

International Postage Savings 

Sending promotional mail overseas is very expensive. The types of discounts which apply to UK deliveries is not applicable to overseas post but I can still help you reduce your expenditure:

  • Contact details for foreign customers are often notoriously inaccurate. I can select only those with a complete address, zip code and a verified country name, so you reduce your quantities of undeliverable mail. By mailing less you save money and your delivery rates improve.
  • Mailing Consolidators can offer significant saving on standard Royal Mail Airmail rates. I can prepare your mailing lists to meet the required formats & sequence such as sorting & splitting by destination country.
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