Target Your Customers With Precision

Whether you use a sophisticated PMS, a marketing database or just spreadsheets, you’ll be collecting valuable information about your customers. Use this information shrewdly and you can be more selective about your audience when marketing your products and services.

I can help you do just this by evaluating and segmenting your contact data. I’ll identify the most relevant people for each promotion so you can reach the right person with the right message at the right time.

By executing your marketing with precision you’ll benefit from higher responses rates, a better return on your investment and reduced waste.

Selection Criteria

The audience you choose to receive your promotional offer should consist of those most likely to be receptive to it.

If the data you have collected is relevant and detailed, you can be more exact in whom you choose to contact. I can then extract those customers who satisfy multiple different criteria, allowing you to define your target market even more precisely. For example, this could include by purchase history, recency or gender  

I can also target your contacts geographically by:

  • Postcode
  • Distance from a location
  • Drive-time from a location

You’ll also have the opportunity to specify those you want me to EXCLUDE such as:

  • Customers who have recently purchased
  • All existing customers (if you are using rented lists)
  • Contacts in certain geographical areas
  • Contacts by gender

Note that contacts who are flagged as Gone-Away, Deceased or Do Not Contact are automatically suppressed from all marketing communications.


Segmentation involves dividing the contacts you have selected for your marketing campaign into subsets or groups. These different segments are often defined by geographic, behavioural or demographic characteristics.

Segment your customers into groups

If segmentation is applied astutely, then your Post-Campaign Analysis will help pinpoint exactly which group(s) generated the best response.

You can then use this information to fine-tune your marketing strategy. Then next time around you can more accurately identify your optimal target audience and continue to refine the nature of the offers you make to them.

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